Summit Cycling Club

3,000 Mile Race Across America


John Fee - Local Legend

June 20th, 2014, John, Bruce and Pia are about to accomplish the unimaginable, not only beat the 4 person mixed team record, but to smash it by 5 hours and go sub 6 days, with just 3 team members as Cary was taken out by 65 mph wind gust. They are getting all of 1 to 2 hours a sleep each day, they are all in their 40's and have nailed 3,000 miles and endless mountains with an average speed of 21+ mph.  

John is posting his epic rides on Strava, please DISPENSE KUDO'S.  This is a race and they are giving it their all!!!!   

June 18th:  John said it took one day and 8 hours at night to reel in the German male team after they lost their teammate, Cary.  John stated, "Today God blessed me to race like a pro. After I caught them here, they caught us again 4 miles later.  Then I was up again dead even with their best 27 year old German racer. We lined up and I dropped the hammer for 6 miles at 30+ mph and opened a 1.25 mile gap on him.  While his coach was on loudspeaker fading in my rear view.  Taking the fight against cancer to the road."  Four hours into Johns shift it is now 100 degrees as he is crossing small towns and sprinting to make every green light to maintain momentum, he is riding his TT bike.  Pia, his teammate and John are reeling in The Germans.

Cary, their strongest rider, was blown off the road by a 65 mph wind gust while going 45 mph. His bike ended up 100 feet down mountain side, he is in hospital with a broken collar bone and will be ok.  The team will now finish with three riders and are ahead of their original schedule and have had to change their 20 min on and 20 min off rotations since now have 3 riders sharing the segments. Now in 3rd place.

Some Statistics for John' s group, Stand Up 2 Cancer: Day One and Two . . . . 

Follow John and his team as they Race Across America

If you’re interested in following John's team and their progress from June 14-20, click on the website below as it is a living scoreboard for the event.

Team Stand Up 2 Cancer / BMS is listed under the 4 person mixed team category. John, "We are competing to win the mixed team category and give the all 4 men teams a tough race. Our goal is to break the mixed team race record of 3,000 miles in 6 days, 4 hours. If we do that, we will be pulling into Annapolis between 12-3 pm on Friday, June 20th."


The website link below will show where they are in the US, down to the exact road, time and rank/place vs. all other teams.  It is also an app that can be downloaded to your mobile phone.


John Fee in the Race Across America

Summit member, John Fee is participating in the Race Across AMerica which departs on Saturday, June, 14th from Oceanside California and finishes at Annapolis, MD at the City Dock.  This is a 3,000 mile worldwide bicycle race. While some of the glory has faded since the inception of the race in 1982 it draws racers from all over the globe.

John's employer, Bristol Myer Squibb is sponsoring the 4 member team and consists of BMS colleagues who are triathletes and in their 40's.  The 4 person relay team will take turns in a format where two of the racers will ride alternate segments for 20 minutes in a time trial style for a period of 6 hours.  During the next 6 hours the other 2 racers will repeat the alternate segments for 20 minutes while the first team sleeps.  

John is currently training, building a foundation of miles to prepare for the 3,000 mile stretch across the United States.  Riding outdoors is preferred after the long winter and does aid in training for inclement weather.  Preparation also includes learning the rules from the massive tome, for example, must obey traffic laws and when encounter stop sign, must stop.  This year a company specializing in adventure support will supply the transportation, meals, laundry, soigneur support.

The relay team has two goals, as a mixed team to finish the course in six (6) days and four (4) hours.  As a 4-person relay team they also have the goal to stand on the podium.  

John has two bicycles that he will be riding, Cannondale Super 6 Evo road bike and Time Trial C-Dale Slice bike for the flats/rolling hills. Approximately 30% of RAAM course is climbing and 70% is flat/rolling hills.  These bikes will be gifted at the end of the race.


John participated in training camp in California in February, climbing on the Tour of California stage climbs, that is 5,000 feet in 8 miles, etc.  John  had this to say, "Great experience and nail biting 50+ downhills . . . "

Training has been a series of 2-3 weeks builds, between 18 to 25 hours a week, then a taper/rest week of 18 hours.  all interval based training, lactate threshold testing, etc.  Memorial Day weekend is the 36 hour test run, they will ride 6 hours on, 6 ours off in teams of 2 for 36 hours in Sourland Mountains, NJ and flats in the pines with van and crew following.

John has shared that "It's been a tremendous workload and build since October, riding on sore legs all the time, but training is working and team is looking to take a crack at breaking the mixed team record of 3,000 miles in 6 days, 4 hours."  

Close to race time there's a mobile app that people can download to rack the race 'live' from a team, placement, timing, rank perspective.  John and his teammates will be competing in the GC 4-man category and mixed team 4-person category.  There's an all 'pro' team in the men's GC and an all Cat "1" team as well.  An app will be available that will offer the riders' biographies along with offering videographics for viewing. Funds raised from the event will go to Stand up to Cancer.

Support from Joe at D&Q

John Fee expressed much gratitude regarding Joe Vitale's never ending support: "Joe has been a huge support to me in turning around tuneups, parts, accessories extremely quick even though the bikes are from" another shop in Philly where the team's coach is based.  "Joe has supported me since I was 14 years old and bought my first Fuji in 1983 and then Serotta racing bike in 1984 for $650.  Joe has always been the best in the business and has been fully supportive at all times!"  

How Can You Help?
Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) President asked John (his employer) to develop a cycling fundraiser and to personally lead an elite team of cyclists to compete in the 3,000 mile RAAM.  You can help by viewing the story on the More Miles For More Memories link below and donate to the Stand Up to Cancer cause.  BMS automatically matches your donation.  

Click on the Meet the RAAM Team

Click on Meet the Team Video and Maryland Training Ride Video

John's personal video is at bottom of the page

Click on the link below his photo

Donate to Fundraiser - John is listed under team Eastern Endurance (within the broader fundraiser ride)

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